doesn't show where these guyguys were at. i don't know what does. >> tucker: tells you everything, exactly right. congressman, thanks for everything. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> tucker: a few weeks ago we see how james comey sees himself. knight at the round table. much better person than you could ever hope to be. and yet today's ig report reveals the true jim comey and very different image. jonathan ratcliff represents texas and he joins us tonight. congressman, thanks for coming on. >> you bet, tucker. >> tucker: knowing what we know now about comey reading this report today my first thought was how could barack obama have kept this man in place? >> yeah. i think, you know, i think the conclusions of a lot of folks looking at this report today was that jim comey was a really, really bad fbi director. and i think was that underscored by the unfortunate spectacle that we just saw his successor, jim wray hold a press conference -- chris wray hold a press conference where he had to apologize