problems. pete: with this program as with others the bureaucracy sometimes gets in the way of common sense. you also have to look out for caregivers that might exploit the system as well. you have to have safeguards. >> you absolutely do pete. root out fraud regardless of where we go. issues of accountability. that's why we have got to get a secretary in there. leader in there that can imagine this bureaucracy that just tends to continue to have those problems. it's a matter of healthcare access. and accountability. two biggest issues in the v.a. community and both of those are still outstanding. we have got to get a grip on this. pete: access could mean choice. where do you get your care and how quickly do you get it and holding people accountable. you are right. without a v.a. secretary robert willeke there is a process to come. we have got -- we reached out to v.a. for comment. this is what they said the changes that are going to be made. they are issuing a new directive outlining staff responsibilities,'8" joint exhibit requirements, available benefits and procedures for this process. they have conducted mandatory staff training and

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Pete ,Way ,Program ,Caregivers ,Others ,Bureaucracy ,Safeguards ,System ,Fraud ,Common Sense ,Leader ,Issues ,Matter ,Problems ,Secretary ,Both ,Accountability ,Va ,Community ,Healthcare Access ,Two ,People ,Dont Care ,Process ,Choice ,Robert Willeke ,Comment ,Holding ,Grip ,Access ,Staff ,Benefits ,Responsibilities ,Training ,Procedures ,Directive ,Joint Exhibit Requirements , 8 ,

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