lee, al green, hugging and shaking hands with, yes, the races anti-semite louis farrakhan. according to "the daily caller," this happened in 2006 during an event in new orleans. for years, these members of congress have been able to maintain relationships with farrakhan because most members of the media give them a pass. there is no accountability, no punishment, for hanging out with hate filled extremists. in fact, it has become a defining characteristic of the left, including former president barack obama. we told you how obama sat in the pews of the reverend wright's church, the church for over 20 years, how he launched his political career inside the living room of unrepentant domestic terrorists, bill ayres and bernadine dorn. given that information, this 2005 a photo of barack obama grinning ear to ear with louis farrakhan, it shouldn't be a surprise. the t reason you never saw this before the election in 2,000 date is because the photographer