know or hear about nuclear emp, they wouldn't meet with the chairman of our commission, dr. william graham, the world's foremost expert on this. he was one of the people that discovered the phenomena in the 1962 star fish prime test when i was in elementary school. imagine not meeting with dr. william graham. it would be like not meeting with albert einstein when he's trying to tell thought nazis could develop the atomic bomb in 1939. that's how irresponsible the administration was. shutting the door on the albert einstein of emp, dr. william graham, not listening to him, not following the reldations, when the commission was reestablished by congress, obama and holdovers did everything they could to sabotage and undermine our work. mark: why? >> emp did not fit into the narratives that they had for trying to sell two of the obama administration's major foreign policy objectives. one was the idea of a world