here to react, managing editor, katie frays. thanks for being with us. >> morning. >> your response, as he said yesterday, this is the 17th civilian released from another country. this shows president trump, he's not asking for something in return for the release of these hostages. he's better known or the world stage and not asking for much. >> he's not actually. and we had the anonymous source saying there was no quid pro quo. venezuela didn't get anything from this for releasing josh holt. we have to give credit to senators orrin hatch and bob corker. this is the reaction from dictatorships and regimes of looking at america's new president saying this is not someone who is going to apologize. this is not someone that's going to cow to us. this is a president that is going to say give us our american citizens back. we've had four just in the last month. of course with north korea as