ainsley: his parent's house. brian: what is wrong with this generation are they not tough? do they understand about the man-child situation has to come to a close. mike rowe has a scholarship for essentially blue collar workers, people with tremendous work ethics that you get after you graduate high school. he has a series of demands before you are even eligible to get the millions of dollars that he has. steve: here's the thing. he has got money but the kids today they don't want to work for it. ainsley: it's free money. hard time giving it away. listen to this. >> there are some things my scholarship requires you to do that other scholarships don't. you have to write essays and make videos and sign a sweat pledge. and when people are often confronted with these hoops, they take what you call umbrage at that and i find it fascinating. i think that probably does have something to do with the expectations that having evolved out of the safe space movement. safety always would be a delightful bromide, a wise