finally after your ratings went down significantly, and had you people fans of 30, 40 years tuning out of your games, not going to the games, you finally stood up with a spine on behalf of the american flag which so many people have died to represent. so, it's really wasn't a tough decision it's unfortunate he took so long to make it. >> maria: it's all about money. >> harris: yes it's a frequent. when you talk about patriotism for those players who wanted to show their support and show in a different way, it kind of colored everybody with the same brush. the president played a role. you had politicians playing a role. >> look, it's a hot-button issue. there is no question about it. it doesn't change the fundamentals which is fans tune in to nfl games to watch football and that should be. >> lisa: how ridiculous it ever became a controversial issue standing for the flag. how is that a controversial issue from the beginning?