political repercussions for the democrats in that. and so i do think that we have a lot of politicians on both sides, republicans and democrats, who avoid accountability moments and frankly, avoid opening up the discussions when they should be doing so. >> tucker: exactly. theyey are avoiding accountability. and i have to say, again, i don't think i agree with you on anything including what to order for dinner but i appreciate the honesty of the left in this case, trying to hold your party to some account, and to honesty. they do, john, for doing that. not a backhanded compliment, a sincere one. >> i appreciated, tucker. i'm sure i won't get any pats on the back for it. >> tucker: no, you definitely want.um brit hume drawings is next for more on fbi spying. the latest twist and turns in the e hunt for russia collusion. maybe he has evidence. ♪ the love of his life.