get us here totally. you previously gave the credit, enormous credit to the president, it took from what you're saying, a trifecta. we're on the verge of seeing an american president sit down with the leader of north korea, which they call a her mitt kingdom, hardly anybody gets in there. that's all very, very true. and at the same time, previous presidents have row fused to do this until there was some concession on the part of north korea. president trump has taken a different step. decided to sit down and see what could be done. i'm hopeful. let's be hopeful. >> harris: an interesting word. representative garamendi of california, thank you for the word of hope. >> thank you. >> harris: waiting to hear from the white house now on the one-year anniversary of special counsel robert mueller's russia investigation. when it happens, we'll bring it to you live. president trump set to hold a by bilateral meeting with the secretary of nay co-. who puts in the money and the fight against terrorism.