you're already fighting over tariffs on steel and aluminum. does that concern you at all? >> we want to have a strong relationship with our nato allies and european friends as well. the western democracy has kept peace and security throughout the world. we need to hang together. the fact of the matter is, though same countries, britain, france, germany, new full well when president obama entered this unilaterally, did not consult with congress, did not ratify this through the treaty process, that agreement was worth no more than the paper it was written on and they're recognizing that right now. hopefully french president macron is certainly talking about working out a better deal and that's the better attitude to take. >> paul: if such a deal did come to fruition, adding a couple of the provisions that you mentioned before, like the sunset provision and intrusive inspections, do you think you guys in the senate would be able and willing to put those provision intuse your legislation -- provisions into