very strong following. coming forward with all of these programs that are not free market oriented that would put, slam the brakes on the growing economy. they never have to talk about how they would funded. they just say it will work out. >> brian: from the federal government, administered locally. they are going to clean up vacant lots. they're going to oversee programs for new mothers, treeplanting, and whether rising homes. it turns out there might even be ads for these. right now, that need to be filled. they can't fill, fulfilled our staff to work in restaurants but bernie sanders is going to fund these jobs. >> juan: i don't know how he's going to fund them but the fact is you go back and look at something like the new deal, we created jobs. >> brian: there was 20% unemployment then. >> juan: we created jobs as the government. then we had a war. military jobs. if you wanted to go that far. but the difference here is how many people -- >> brian: you can't like this.