it. with the sunset in 2025, it sounds like it's a long time away until you realize it's seven years. that's a serious hurdle. >> paul: i guess the question is, if this is something that they can agree to, then you have a united front that you can take to the iranians, take to russia, and say look, we want to add these things in it, we'll keep the deal, otherwise we won't reimpose sanctions. iran will be displeased but that's a more powerful position to be in. >> the objection to the deal is that it's not going to do what it pretends to do, which is stop them from acquiring new clear weapons. if you could come up with something that makes it stronger, i think they'd be interested. i thought what mr. macron did was very smart, it's called representing your country. he came and he proves he had profound disagreements with president trump. >> paul: climate change in particular. >> climate change and iran and so forth and he voicehood them.