about that upcoming summit. take a listen. i see a good possibility of good chemistry between donald trump and kim jong-un, they're unconventional figures and prize interpersonal relations so i think there's a good chance when they get in that room, donald trump and kim jong-un can make a deal. >> we will see. just in the past couple of minutes, elizabeth, we've gotten word that defense secretary mattis has spoken with his counterpart in south korea in the wake of the summit talking about a range of issues. one more note, analyst does give a lot of credit to president trump for getting talks with north korea to this point, but he warns, like a lot of people, just beginning the process and that process, at least a few times in the past, has gone wrong. back to you, elizabeth. elizabeth: that's right, of course. thank you, appreciate it. here to weigh in, fox news national security and foreign policy analyst walid phares.