function in the military. and so they are held accountable, certainly, by their conduct but, this is all just rumor control. and so that's the sad part about this. >> harris: interesting. i'm reading now from your statement i expect admiral jackson to face the same amount of scrutiny for the physician in the senate as any other nominee for cabinet position. we will be watching for it. sir, thank you for joining me. >> thank you for having me. >> harris: for more, let's bring in christopher, contributor from the hill. military police sergeant and republican pratt gist. great to see you today. >> great to see you, harris. >> harris: if dged, just for a minute, put the politics aside and look at what you need. you heard congressman coffman talking about what you need in terms of leadership. they need to be able to fire people and utilize the tolls put into place. what do you need at the v.a.? >> a strong leader. the president sees leadership attributes in admiral jackson. that's why he is putting