something of that nature is in the comey memos, so this is why the comey memos needed to get out because if there is obstruction of justice we want to know about it but clearly there wasn't and that's what the comey memos prove. now i think for mr. comey when you match up his memos with what's in his book, with the interviews that he's giving, i think he's got a lot of problems coming in the future as it relates to what the ig is looking at into his behavior during the clinton e-mail investigation. maria: well what kind of problems? i mean we know the ig has recommended criminal charges against his former deputy andrew mccabe. where does that go? what does that mean criminal charges? where do you see that going and is that the same fate that we will see for james comey? >> well, it's hard to say right now but we know that so mr. mccabe has been recommended that he face criminal charges. now his lawyer and he has a right to his lawyer, his lawyer