encouraged others to do the same. >> laura: now, i imagine although it's hard to imagine, there probably isn't a 15-minute period, a five-minute period over the last 19 years where you didn't think about your daughter. >> that's right. and, you know, there is a lot of attention being poured -- a lot of money is being poured into the gun issue. and i'm not here to debate that there is money from both sides being poured into that as a solution. we need to look beyond the instrument and look at how we can prevent these things from happening. starting with the hearts of our kids. and i want to challenge people to pour as much money into programs like sandy hook promise, like kick start for kids, like why try? like rachel's challenge. we have a friend, foster freese put up $2.5 million from now until the end of july. and every one of you who donate $5? $10, it's going to be