are currently at those bureaus right now because they are showing themselves to be anything but apolitical. >> mark: they lend credence to the deep state narrative, don't they? there is this troika of the most powerful figures with the most powerful secret agents in the united states at their disposal, when you w talk about brennan, clapper, and comey. and thee bennett they are out of office, they are basically the worstt kind of partisan hacks. >> it seems that way. with james comey, he doesn't need the money. he's fine in that department. whatd he needs is attention. he craves to be relevant. i think that is what he is doing this. now it is. resembling, really, much like the hillary clinton book tour, a public therapy session we are watching in real time. it seems like he is going through the same thing. by the way, the compton tour, that's not going well. she's down 13 points and approval since the election because of this t book to her hs going on longer than "cats" on