illegal immigration. will the same tide come back for the midterms? dave brat, it republican congressman, good to see you. let's talk about the issue of immigration. new polling outside who would handle this better? democrats get the advantage. 36-29% in that poll. they didn't resolve daca. they will say you didn't. how does it play this fall? >> i think you are seeing hints of it california. they get kind of the advantage on the short first pass. they say we want to help daca. then we say we want to help daca and they go away on the issue. in california, they are hating reality. when you see the crime go up and surge go up and then you have texas and new mexico and arizona saying we're going to save the border. then there's only one border open. i think californians are going to figure out pretty short order when they see chaos and lawlessness and they have to pay the tax bill, then you will see everyone shift toward the republicans and law & order and border enforcement. everybody needs to go back.