targeted and why. >> the greater region you got iraq you mentioned turkey to north israel over here, jordan, so it is a very strategic location you got the capital homs another area wes struck basically two regions here important facility important command and control facilities air defense assets in damascus so i think that is the first piece that we need to talk about. >> chemical facilities how much do we go the ability to make chemical weapons how much did we go at their ability air defense assets. >> you heard a lot of talk about the science and research buildings what production facilities, so i think that is what was happening, in homs that is where we were attacking there, and damascus you can imagine all of the surface-to-air-missiles russians have given them 80,000 feet in the sky or b-1,

Related Keywords

Region ,Israeli ,Location ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Air Defense ,Control ,Command ,Regions ,Facility ,Area ,Capital ,Piece ,Homs Another ,Two ,Weapons ,Lot ,Ability ,Air Defense Assets ,Production Facilities ,Talk ,Research ,Buildings ,Science ,Missiles ,Happening ,Feet ,Wall ,Homs ,Sky ,1 ,80000 ,

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