i think, i hope democrats can understand how qualified he is and start to understand, start to vote yes. >> greg: that was a cheap shot against eye doctors. >> brian: you're right. it's true. i am against lenscrafters because i had a bad experience. >> geraldo: in regard to what i said about hawks being less likely to declare war, it could be ambassador bolton and cia director pompeo who are holding the president back on what would be a gratuitous strike at this point in cold blood against syria. it's fraught with peril. the upside is so narrow. i don't know how you define what you hit. 30 bombs, 60 bombs, 300 bombs? >> kimberly: thinking about it more carefully. >> brian: i could not disagree with you anymore. geraldo, we know where the military sites are. we know where they make the chemical weapons. getting our guys in place, getting our people in place to take out the sites. it's not kill everybody. it's wipe out their ability to make this.