of less than three years, two republican speakers of the house of bales. pay up and quit. john boehner dated in late 2015. that's how we got paul ryan. i think that speaks to the fact that it's very difficult to control the faction-ridden house of representatives g.o.p. caucus. you've got the freedom caucus. you've got the tuesday group. you've got a bunch people. you don't have a huge majority, and it's tough to get to get 218 votes. >> bret: eli. >> you look at the election of trump and to this date, you are saying that's the ark of the transformation of the republican party. paul ryan is an emblem of a republican party that was against deficits, was for lower taxes, was certainly, there's always a popular appeal but it's not the same kind of populist as trump. now the g.o.p. is really trump's