an admirer of the saddam regime, they to the same in 2011, when they tried to remove ghaddafi. it's a standard tactic. what we have is this union between neo-cons, who been embraced by the establishment wings of the republican democratic party and the militarists, people like lindsey graham and lots of democrats, who love every war. this climate arises that you are supposed to cheer when it comes time to drop bombs and other countries, not ask whether there is evidence to justify, not ask whether it will do good, kill civilians. if you do ask us questions, it means youse are on the side of america's enemies. it's an incredibly authoritarian tactic that gets used to suppress debate. >> tucker: its poison. glenn greenwald, thank you as always. >> good to be with you. >> tucker: richard goodstein is an attorney who advised both of hillary clinton's campaigns

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Tactic ,Admirer ,Union ,Saddam Regime ,Ghaddafi ,2011 ,People ,Civil War ,Republicans ,Democratic ,Militarists ,Establishment ,Neo Cons ,Wings ,Lots ,Climate ,Lindsey Graham ,Questions ,Evidence ,Side ,Countries ,America ,Bombs ,Enemies ,Skill Civilians ,Home Tucker ,Attorney ,Glenn Greenwald ,Both ,Poison ,Debate ,Richard Goodstein ,Campaigns ,Hillary Clinton ,

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