them about having high levels of standards, right? not using your intelligence agencies to spy on political opponents. it's one of the first conversations we have especially with countries that are developing in some way, because a lot of times the political leaders will try and use the intelligence agencies to spy on their opponents to get economic information, to get dirty information about their opponents. and we always start with the conversation of, look, our intelligence services in the united states, we don't get involved in politics. and now after years and years of us saying that, i've had to answer the question over the last week from multiple intelligence agencies of, you know, these are sometimes strong allies or close partners that are helping us track down isis and al-qaeda terrorists all over globe, and i have to sit there and explain, well, here's what happened. and, you know, then i have to say, look, we have a congress, we're trying to get to the bottom of it, but other countries, even second world countries are questioning what