amassed in 14 different countries. we may have them on the run there does the footprint really look like? we took out footprint in raqqa? >> i think the president's heart is in the right place. i do believe your military. you go in and use everything with overwhelming force. you fight and then you win. and you come home. what has not yet been defined is what is victory? and i look at the -- against isis. you look at 17 years or so, in afghanistan. what is victory there? we have people that continue there imperpetuity. >> harris: isis is there too, by the way. >> look at northern africa. vacuum in libya. that's a major, major problem. we have to have the biggest, baddest military on the face of the planet and we do. you also have to have great intelligence. you are sending people in very difficult situations. i understand where the president says he wants to bring them home, but we're still going to have to fight and have good people doing hard things. >> harris: it's interesting, lisa, that the congressman