why in the world would we ever want to be involved in anything like that? >> we don't want to. what we want is a region that doesn't fall apart and creates bigger problems. that is the only issue, you want a policy that doesn't do what barack obama did, which is, say, declare victory and walk away and then what happens is all the problems, you have a bigger problem than when you started. if you remember -- >> tucker: did obama not being engaged in the region was the reason there was a syrian civil war? >> nolle. but because the way we pulled our troops out of iraq and when we did in the way we leave the politics to unravel and interace problem of syria to destabilize iraq, which created a caliphate, and attracted tens of thousands of foreign fighters from all over the region. we are worried about these foreign fighters -- >> tucker: quick, why should i think assad is bad? >> i don't --