syria. president trump needs to get in front of putin and tell him not to do that. the idea that some are saying this is trump groveling, like the hysterical column in today's "washington post"'s said, is ridiculous. he is trying to get putin so thy can talk about syria, north korea, they major issues facing our two countries. that is president trump's job. >> jason: david, do you worry that as of the white house or do you think there's another venue you should be there? what is the worry about the two world leaders talking together? >> my worry is about the message we are sending to russia, when we are trying to create deterrence toward russian conduct, including the conduct where these nerve agents against people on the soil of our ally in england, sent mercenaries to attack our forces in syria, when it had a bogus election to elect putin. we should be deterring that type of conduct from russia. russia is an adversary to the