things tend to be complicated. what struck me about the story is you say "the post" literally had no evidence, that you had done anything wrong? >> that's right, tucker. first of all, these accusations are completely false and fabricated. i've never been violent in any way toward any woman in my entire life by the very thought of it is disgusting. is not the way i was raised. "thehe post" in their ongoing wr against president trump decided to publish a story based on my ex-wife's word alone. but i was physically violent during our marriage. they had no evidence. i've never had a police report against me for violence, never had a restraining order against me. and free of her friends even came out, people i hadn't spoken with in years, and said that she had a history of instability and dishonesty and that they shouldn't believe her and that they witnessed her being violent against v me. >> tucker: was she violent against duke? >> she was, actually, and i sent