that, but why does he think it just happened? i mean, what struck me about this stormy daniels story in its current incarnation is that it didn't seem to tell us very much about donald trump that we didn't already know or should have known. >> tucker: exactly. >> this particular charge was raised back before the election. it was my sense about it was, as onee who followed trump, was it was probably true and his denial was probably not true. but my feeling about this is that an awful lot of peoplehe around the country thought, you know, trump was a philanderer. after all, he bragged about it publicly back in his nonpolitical days, and it was widely known and, you know, the fact that somebody might have gotten paid to keep it quiet didn't strike me as something that was beneath trump. even so, he is not even accused so far of being the one that made the payment.f so my sense about this was that it was kind of baked in the cake. people knew what kind of a rascal he was when it came to this sort of stuff. a certified philanderer and lover of flashy women and