joins us now, along with cr tv host michelle malkin. you are saying to me, i can't wait for "saturday night live" " >> watching those clubs, which are frankly embarrassing now and the meat to era, everybody who made those comments excusing bill clinton's behavior, allegations of rape, they are to be extremely embarrassed. all of this hysterical coverage over stormy daniels, wee all knw sex cells. that's part of it. but there's direct coverage looks like a "saturday night live" sketch. the point, sean, is that they are so desperate to try to get trump on now that the russian collusion story is falling apart, at least with regard to trump and his team, it certainly is and play with hillary clinton and the dnc and the democrats. now that that line is falling apart, they've got to come up with a new narrative. what they are doing with stormy daniels is not about ther