troy who was 13, and also lucy who lived to age 6. there's lucy. god rest her soul. i believe dogs go to heaven. i believe that. that's lucy. but now -- >> so do we. >> laura: ashley, i now have two rescue dogs. one we're going to show now, jimmy the junkyard dog. we've got to put jimmy up. he looks very guilty. he looks very guilty. so i agree with you. i love rescue dogs. and i support rescue dogs, i support shelters. but i think this is where peta loses people. people already know the lab is the most popular dog in the united states. hunting dog, bomb-sniffing dog. i don't think it will make people go out and get labs. do you think peta has lost its mind and people will throw fur and -- you kind of lose people with that. >> you know, i know what you mean, and we know that this bill is well intentioned.