prevent gun violence, planned parenthood, and the march for lives action fund is a 501(c)4 that does not have to disclose donors but it's already revealed that oprah winfrey, george clooney, steven spielberg, and gucci each $500,000.elberg, and gucci each others are asked to donate anonymously.l some of the money goes to family of the parkland school shooting and some will pay for the march. other projects won't be known for months. the group could be involved in the political activity if it's not the primary focus says the law. former president and mrs. obama sent a handwritten letter of support calling them an inspiration and their resilienc resilience. >> tucker: thank you, trace. appreciate it. ryan cleckner is a former army special operations sniper. he's a firearms attorney and a columnist at "the federalist," and he joins us tonight. ryan, thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me on, tucker. >> tucker: so i think a lot of