we did it a different way. if you didn't have it, you would have tremendous problem. and even the walls they they have now they are not holding up. and they are small but they are really great compared to what they had before. stopped about 95%. >> can i just point out? we are showing pictures of the united states, of course, too. but there has been equal benefit tijuana to mexico that you don't have all that activity happening out on the south side of the fence either. it's eu78 proved the border on both sides. not just ours. >> okay, folks? pretty obvious. >> criticism from governor brown that some of this money might be better spent. >> i think governor brown has done a very poor job running california. they have some of the highest taxes in the united states. place is totally out of control. sanctuary cities where have you criminals living in the sanctuary cities and then the mayor of oakland and goes out and notifies when ice is going in to pick them up. many of them were criminals with criminal records and very dangerous people. you would say dangerous people. and i think the governor is