a thread. >> harris: wow! meanwhile, president trump tweeted this earlier. total inaction on daca by dems. where are you? a deal can be made. bob goodlatte has an immigration bill that he wants congress to consider. he joins me from capitol hill. great to see you today. >> great to see you, harris. >> harris: should the democrats be worried that the dreamers are now against them? >> they should be worried about not being able to address this issue from a balanced point of view of helping the daca recipients and doing what the president and the speaker of the house have called for. that is stopping this problem reforming our immigration system so it doesn't persist in the future. that's what our bill does. it addresses both of those issues. >> and the president likes your bill. >> he loves it. >> harris: why? what is in it? it had the four pillars and certain things that he said were immovable objects for him. >> we have the four pillars,

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Donald Trump ,Harris Faulkner ,Bob Goodlatte ,Deal ,Daca ,Immigration Bill ,Thread ,Total Inaction ,Dems ,Who Will Control Congress ,Capitol Hill ,Democrat ,Dreamers ,Problem ,Point Of View ,Recipients ,Immigration System ,House ,Speaker ,Doing ,Issue ,It ,Things ,Bill ,Pillars ,Both ,Issues ,Objects ,Four ,

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