the u of m university of minnesota. he is too conservative they wouldn't allow him. he spoke at saint paul. ainsley: he has this exchange. exchange. he is asking -- we will set it up with this. a conservative appears to be, unless he is talking about his friend. he says what do you do if really, really liberal girl? you are really conservative and you are dating this really, really liberal girl? and listen to their exchange. >> so let's say hypothetically there is a young man here who is dating a young woman who tends to lean very far left. do you have any advice how this young man might go about exposing her to new ideas without crashing and burn? >> you are an optimist. you, my friend, are making a very large mistake. if you are in it for marriage, the number one thing you must have with n. common with spouse is values. most of people are interested in lots of things. deemly important that you put values before all of the other ancillary things. if you have values in common your marriage can outlast everything. if you don't have values.