he has every single person under investigation he won't hold himself accountable for all these people that he has to investigate for their wrongdoing but he has done none. the height of arrogance as you said, tucker. the only amazing thing about sheriff israel is his egg norps. >> tucker: penalty for cowardice. the point is you are not allowed to be a coward. you are in the military. same would go wouldn't you say for a sheriff's deputy. most aren't cowards. for those who are shouldn't there be some penalty for that? >> there should. we should look at taking away their pensions. if you don't act the way you should in a situation where there are 14 children's lives at stake and three aconsults. absolutely, you should have your taken away. >> tucker: thank you for coming on. >> i appreciate it thank you, tucker. >> tucker: telling fox tonight that police officers prevented them for some reason entering stoneman douglas high school to provide care for students