knew what happened at the opening ceremony. ivanka trump is going for the closing ceremony. the head military intel guy from north korea is also going to the closing ceremony. and so i think it was a strategic move to put these sanctions out today as she is landing in south korea. >> juan: well, i'm not sure what's going on because, remember, they cancelled the meeting -- they thought pence was going to have a meeting. they cancelled that meeting at the last moment. now, there is no such prospect for ivanka trump. there is no such meeting scheduled. she will have, i think it's dipper or something with the south korean president. >> dana: yeah, tomorrow. >> juan: at his residence. the big event will be closing night for the closing ceremonies. you will have the two of them. ms. perino complained last time about vice president pence's seating tell us why. >> dana: i did. because i felt they put him in a bad position. i would have advocated for a different seating arrangement. >> juan: the question is now they can be seated.