and some to live in poverty. heckler said how much are you worth? do you live in poverty? brian: right. ainsley: article i read said her family, her husband is a. steve: he is rich. ainsley: venture capitalist, she is worth $100 million. brian: her answer is i have five kids. you are not going to be able to shout me down. one has nothing to do with the other. we heard it. ainsley: caught on camera, police rush in to save a woman inside a burning building. look at this. [shouting] >> you got to get out. >> come on. ainsley: how that one ends, we're going to tell you coming up. >> president trump just unveiled a new option for health insurance, democrats call it junk, but it's going to cost a lot less. so what's the problem with it? dr. marc siegel doesn't see one. he's next.

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