here is fbi agent robert lasky with the miami field division of the fbi, the division that never got that tip so that they could follow up on it. and he defends the fbi. >> the potential of the fbi to miss something is always there. we do our best. we have protocols to prevent these things. we will be looking into where and how if something in the protocol broke down. we will come back stronger than we ever were before. rob: it's really bad. but let's go to a statement from the governor here in florida, rick scott. he says we council distantly promote see something, say something. and and a courageous person did just that to the fbi. and the fbi failed to act. the fbi director needs to resign. so we're going to see what the fallout is of this on the fbi and if they are going to figure out who it was that this last happened with. who didn't pass this along within the fbi. and as we talk about that, the first two funerals for