side of this equation, clearly. and then you have the discontent over the trump administration's decision to declare jerusalem the capital of israel as secretary tillerson heads over there so lay out for us what we should be watching on that trip as well. >> well, i think it's quite clear that prime minister netanyahu, there was a recent vote in the israeli cabinet which, again, people sometimes think that prime minister netanyahu as much as president trump is the leader of the republican party, is the leader of the israeli government. is he on paper. but he leads a collision coalite fractious. parties much more dedisposed not making concessions to the palestinians, perhaps he would be. what you see from secretary of state rex tillerson is an effort to try to say look, the united states has moved our embassy to jerusalem. a major concession. it is now time for you to make concessions. and we will see whether prime minister netanyahu can take more formaive steps