see some reductions in our proposals to the state department. use the reductions in our proposal to the epa. they will still be the president's priorities as we seek to spend the money consistently with our priorities, not the priorities that were reflected by the democrats in congress. >>chris: in this new budget you putting out tomorrow, would you allocate some of the money that will go to dhs, as a down payment on president trump's border wall? >> last in the 2018 budget we asked for money for the wall. $1.6 billion. we are asking for about $3 billion this year for the wall. but we are also putting in a contingency, what we call this pivot. as we put it off of the old budget onto the new to reflect the spending priorities before the spending bill that just passed. is money to build the whole wall assuming that daca gets done. we are assuming in our 2018 proposal that a daca deal is done and the border wall is funded. >>chris: is that $20 billion?