dealing with the mueller investigation. you mentioned the poll and voters being split on this issue. i think the most important poll at least heading into 2018, as well as 20020, are what are the top issues that americans care about. this is not among that list. it's the economy. and that's where republicans and president trump are doing strong. so i would be a little bit less concerned about voters here and more concerned about top issues. >> harris: the last time i looked at it in a list of 8 it wasn't even in the top 8. the list wasn't long enough. >> lisa: i don't think it's in the top 10. >> maria: he keeps saying politically. >> harris: you keep saying that but everybody lawyers up when somebody wants to talk to them. i think you are app. assuming that. >> maria: if he pleads the fifth under subpoena it will be a political nightmare for him, i think. >> sandra: you could say that about anybody. >> a trap for him. >> maria: because he doesn't tell the truth. >> harris: okay, maria. y'all have no idea what goes on during the commercials. okay. could 2018 be nancy pelosi's last stand?