the first one. you wonder what it will look like ultimately if it is released. >> i think it would be nice if this was part of the discussion and let's learn more. a lot of americans would also like to hear from the fisa judge. i know this is not normal protocol. it is a secret court but i think it's an important question for our democracy. our republic. how did this happen that the government came to spy on the opposition party? and i would like to know was that as i assume was that judge very angry not to be told about some of the background? or is it this easy to get a warrant to spy on the opposition? >> sandra: very serious question. always good to have you. thanks for being here this morning. >> bill: fox news alert president trump saying he would love to see a shutdown if congress doesn't take action on illegal immigration. here is the comment. >> president trump: if we don't change the legislation, if we don't get rid of these