although we don't know what happened in the relationship, we do know, bill, this was about 1500 messages the inspector general at the doj has many more. we may learn even more in the coming days and weeks. >> bill: thank you, leading our coverage from washington >> sandra: over at the white house the clock is ticking on a decision to release the democrats' version of the f.b.i. memo. the document written by adam schiff is a rebutteal to the controversial gop memo that accuses the f.b.i. of abusing its surveillance power. kevin corke is following this from the north lawn of the white house this morning. what's the timeline on the possible release of this democratic memo? >> a couple things i think you'll find useful, sandra. the review is ongoing as you've pointed out throughout the morning as have our colleagues at fox news. that it continue through close of business thursday. there is a mountain of granular