jeff flake very unpopular in your state retiring he is so unpopular another big pro-illegal immigrant senator. arizona is ground zero for illegal immigration. so many people i meet is how are these guys representing us? it's disunning to me. >> it's a lasting impression that jeff flake is going to give. sat thing with john mccain. the thing is this has been a problem for 20 or 30 years in washington. the immigration problem cannot be fixed. illegal alien problem cannot be fixed. until they start at the beginning and get rid of the criminals and secure our borders and come back over repeatedly. you can't fix daca and dreamers without having a hand on what's happening with all the criminals in our country. you have to get rid of them and protect americans. we need to come first. >> laura: mary ann, thank you so much for joining us. we will not forget your son brandon. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> laura: the manual who compiled the most comprehensive look at illegal immigrants and crime has come under fire by open