was watching the tape it went from a minus 600 to a minus 1600 in the space of just a few minutes. brian: how can that be? >> that's the algorithm kicking. in. steve: the machine. >> a moment of panic. you are right to say al gore algorithmic panic today. steve: use it on show today. >> thank you very much. brian: thing kicked in because we learned something about the market overheating. when is the cut off when everything shuts down. >> are such things as colors. if it drops by a certain amount there is a pause in the trading. brian: you need a pause. >> do we? do we really? why not let the market function? you have a lot of people moving in today bargain hunting. steve: absolutely. >> the stock price of some companies have come so far down, that's a bargain. i will buy it. brian: i saw ainsley with coupons. ainsley: i am a coupon girl. some say coupons, some say coupons. >> i say bit coins a mess.