steve: you know bruno mars. ainsley: yes. i went to his concert this year. kesha hasn't been singing for a long time court battle with her manager over me too stuff. she said she was assaulted sexually and verbally by this guy. the judge wouldn't let her out of the contract. she is saying, praying that song praying that is so powerful, she stood on stage with a bunch of women and sang that. and it was pretty emotional. you should definitely google that. steve: if did you see, i think the second or third sound bite in that montage was of hillary clinton. what was she doing there? james cordon, the host, was talking about how past presidents have won grammys for their written book that was narrated. but they would need a narrator. so they had some auditions. and hillary clinton was one of the people who was auditioning. that did spark a lot of reaction on social media. donald trump jr. tweeted this out. getting to read a #fake news book excerpt at the grammys seems like a great