overturned by the federal courts for than any other president realized he didn't have the constitutional authority to give them legal status so this is where congress has to step up, the american people have said to the republican party, we will give you these majorities and they are going to have to have a negotiation. i'm not sure the points coming out of the white house will be exactly as the final bill looks, we are going to have a legislative process. i give the president great credit, there's a lot of downside for a republican talking about giving legal status to even one illegal, there's a lot of downside to this. >> harris: because it sounds like amnesty? >> it is amnesty. you are saying someone coming here illegally will be given legal status, maybe even citizenship. how else will conservatives get the reforms they want on that border? how will they get the funding for a walk? >> harris: do you think they will live with that deal? >> i think we've got a real