>> think were upper one? greg: we might be. i think i think stelter should get one. he has grown up. he was a guest on redeye and i think i gave that fella to start. look where he is now. >> or started to make and what he is today six i think he should win -- creepy guy award contract. greg: if you look at him he reminds me of the strobe light from saturday night fever. all right. still to come, if the book no one has read but everyone is talking about. not atlas shrugged, a jab at you libertarians. we discussed the latest book on present white house. [cheering and applause] olon heah probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips' colon health. ♪ keep it comin' love. if you keep on eating, we'll keep it comin'. all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.