for a fisa warrant. a fisa warrant to spy on trump campaign officials under the guise of using what we would call reverse targeting. in other words, tucker, let's pretend we are targeting a foreign agent as a predicate reason to really listen to an american citizen we're targeting in the first place, hence the term reverse targeting. which by the way tucker, entirely defeats the purpose of the bill of rights. that's why libertarians and strong conservatives out there have always been skeptical about the monopolistic powerm. of the government to surveil people without probable cause warrants. this fisa thing is a scam. it should concern everyone regardless of your political stripes. >> tucker: why don't republicans -- i would disagree with you on that. republicans in washington have defended this since right after 9/11 and assured us that it stopped a lot of terror plots. never provided evidence for that but we're not supposed to complain about it, it's unpatriotic to raise questions. why have so many d.c.