something, you don't like it. if somebody wants up to you and says, hey, here's another mona lisa, would you like it? of their answer is no, you got a problem. >> shannon: let's move onto another topic. the president, the destruction of isis, breaking of the caliphate, the geographical they were having in that area, not everyone is giving the president credit on that. >> not everybody, almost nobody. you look at the news stories, what few stories there are about defeating isis, it is all passive. isis was defeated. one of the basic journalist thing is who, what, when, where, why. who defeated active? instead of the active, "trump, general mattis" trump is nowhere in these stories. you have to use an investigative team to find his name in the story. as is every other trump accomplishment, the economy, which is booming, the stock market, which is going great. they don't want to give him any credit and the things -- the other things he's done, judges